Is character AI private? The truth

Character AI is hands down the most popular AI tool when it comes to chatting with your favorite characters- – from politicians to business gurus to comedians, you can chat with them all.

But is character AI private? In other words, are your chats on Character AI hidden from others (you don’t want to become every other creator’s laughing stock).

Here is the truth:


Is character AI private? The truth about character AI chat privacy

Short answer: Character AI is completely private.

Put another way, not only are your conversations 100% private but even the characters you’ve been interacting with(It will be seen by you only).

But there’s a caveat:

Just ensure that you have selected (under Character AI’s privacy settings) your content(Characters you create/generate) to be visible to you(only).

character AI privacy

I hope you know where to access privacy settings when in the community.

Also, specify how you want Character AI to treat what you create/post(if you want everything to be shared with all digital creators in the community or not- restricted to you)

To add- and I think this adds an extra layer of security for your content, moderators will, on occasion, review a post Character or post you may have chosen to be shared with the entire community(you may have done it by accident).

To be clear, it does not mean they will block it outright- no! the mods first assess if it may impact you or the community negatively before deciding the route to take.

Isn’t that reassuring?

How to delete a Character AI character

So, how do you delete things including characters?

Perhaps you want to be in control of things while in character ai and you want to erase whatever you had created(Characters, chats,  and accounts!)

character ai privacy settings

Here is how to do that to improve your character AI privacy:

To delete your comments and posts

Simply press the comment or post you want to make go  then choose Delete.

Remember that all posts are accessible from your Profile.

To hide rooms or chats

Just press Edit(Go to the Chats tab to see it)

To delete an account

Click Edit Profile page-You remove your whole account from here.

To delete a Character

Sadly, Character AI has not provided an option to completely erase a character and your options are:

  • Make the Character Private – that keeps everyone else from seeing it.
  • Overwriting the Character– Go to Edit Character then Edit all info about it starting with name then all other details (type __ to fill in details since you need to type in 3 characters)

character ai privacy policy reddit

Is character AI private? -Recap

In a nutshell, yes – characters and convos are private- but be sure to select appropriate privacy settings (under character AI privacy settings).



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