Is there an AI I can talk to?

Part of our work here at is to answer all question regarding the ongoing AI revolution.

So today I want to answer a question that we have been seeing being asked around quite often:  “is there an AI I can talk to?”

We can feel lonely sometimes and it is not at all times that we are able to speak to a fellow human – or you might even be an introvert that does not typically socialize.

Yet you, on occasion, have feelings to speak to someone(who doesn’t get weary of loneliness anyway?) perhaps to listen to comforting words.

So, is there an AI I can talk to really?

Is there an AI I can talk to? (is there an AI you can talk to about your well-being or anything else?)

The answer is a big yes!

There’s an AI you can converse with that will actually reply even with emotionally reassuring words, just like a real human!


I know what your next question is: “Can you give me a list of AIs I can talk to then?”

Sure yes..

Here they are mate.

AI you can talk to -5 best AIs to talk to

Hey Pi AI – best ai to talk to

is there an AI you can talk to

You can’t imagine how good Hey Pi AI is…

I absolutely think that it is one of the best conversational AI created to help us combat aloneness out there.

You see, it won’t just ramble on and on in a robotic way- Hey Pi AI is beyond doubt programmed to speak back to you in a very empathic way.

Indeed, it is literally like you will be sharing your frustrations with a super attentive, empathic listener, who is probably better than some friends and colleagues!

And I’m not hyping it!

is there a real AI I can talk to

And since I want you to confirm that for yourself, why don’t you try it.

Go to the link below and start- remember you can tell it anything. And it will answer you without being judgmental.

Heck! You might end up feeling better.

And it is not just about letting you vent.. (You might end up feeling better) .

It’s more than that…

Here is a list of tasks Hey PI AI can do for you:

  • BrAInstorm your ideas with it.
  • Read a story for you.
  • Teach you something profound.
  • Keep a journal.
  • Help you plan stuff.


And it keeps improving so you are likely to do more.

The only downside is that it can become evasive (or dismissive) if you are telling it too disheartening things(it advises you to try and focus on other important things)!

Try Hey PI AI-your personal AI powered assistant.

Update: PI AI is now available for Android devices. Also on iOS.


Character AI

is there an AI I can chat with

The next talking AI I can suggest you take a look at is Character AI, another incredibly talkative AI that gives you the freedom to create Characters (in your own image) and then talk to them.

So keep in mind that this is a bit different: You imagine the kind of character/persona you would feel happy/satisfied talking to and then you create him/her.

From there it is all bliss!

I mean, you simply say what is in your mind to your protégé  and your assistant will start sharing with you about any topic.

The good news is that you can tons of different characters- from a personal psychologist to help you fight mental fatigue to a coding buddy and even to a personal musician.

In short, nothing is beyond Character AI.-you can go as far as creating a personalized comedian to make you laugh(and forget your woes).

Better still, creating your desired character is easy peasy- you just sign up then go to CREATE on the left hand tab and follow the easy prompts.

I know you are eager to give it a shot so go to the link below and see how this conversational magician will take you

Try Character AI


You may not agree with me on this but if prompted properly, ChatGPT is surprisingly empathic!

I, for example, asked it for advice in handling a recent breakup with my girlfriend and I almost came to tears from the kindness it shown me in its chats.

is there an AI that I can talk to

So you can also give it the correct prompts and get help.


Nomi AI

is there a robot I can talk to

Nomi AI is also an awesome speaking AI – you can build meaningful companionship, develop a deeply passionate relationship, or even chat with an insightful mentor.

Again what you do is create your unique ‘Nomi’ , who will then learn and grow from chatting with you..The goal is to have your ‘Nomi’ become your best AI confidant/partner.

apps to talk to ai

Go try Nomi AI

Replica AI

best ai chatbot to talk to

Replica AI is pretty close to Character AI because you also have to create a replica (of the ‘person’ you want to talk to).

The only thing I like about Replica AI is that it is paid- and I don’t understand why they cannot offer a free trial first.

Below is the link to it, just in case you want to check it out too.

Go to Replica AI


Is there an AI I can talk to? / is there an AI that I can talk to? / is there an AI I can chat with? /is there a real AI I can talk to? / is there an AI you can talk to? /is there a robot I can talk to? -Recap

There are a couple of good real AIs you can speak to about any topic/matter.

These include:

  1. Hey PI ai
  2. Character ai
  3. ChatGPT
  4. Nomi AI- available as a mobile app (one of apps to talk to ai)
  5. Replica AI- available as a mobile app (Paid)

You can also add these to the list:

  • Claude AI– another AI chatbot that is fast becoming popular.
  • Paradot AI-An app that uses AI Being’s vast knowledgebase to chat with you.
  • Chai AI– Lets you Chat with an AI you like and skip AIs you don’t. Also available as an app.
  • Layla Network.AI– Runs on your phone(paid)
  • Muah AI– Has a voice chat feature(an app)

But do not forget that speaking ai is  not faultless- and can end up making you feel worse (if you’re searching for calmness and peace) so use conversational ai with caution.

To be honest, chatting to a person may be the best way to help you cope with depression/isolation(ai can’t yet beat genuine human connection).

That said, using talking ai can be a great to expand on your ideas (use it for brainstorming further), learn something new, delve into history, and more.


Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service

LLM vs Generative AI

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