What is the best free ai art generator?

Once you learn how to make ai art, the next logical question is what is the best free ai art generator, especially because many of us want to start off with something that’s free as we hone our skills…

So, what is the best free ai art generator out there?

Well, we have been looking around as we always do when it comes to ai tools here at aiknowzone.com and we have a list of free ai art generators that we believe you may want to experiment with, depending on your needs.

Here it is – we share what is good about each free ai art generator we recommend and what is not so good about it (we want to help you make the right decision):

What is the best free ai art generator?

For the mainstream ones, probably the ai art generators with more flexibility and best quality are Bing Image creator, Google’s DeepDream, Stable Diffusion, and Probably Dall-e3 (by OpenAI).

To help you make an informed decision, let us now look at the main pros and cons of each of these free ai art generators:

Microsoft Bing image creator

An easy peasy to use free ai art generator from Microsoft that can practically generate any AI art, bar NFSW content.

Strongest points

  • Perhaps the easiest to use for newbies needing quick art generation.
  • No GPU/installation needed- use it on the web.

·         Nice and detailed art (Not really at the level of Mid journey, which is paid, but pretty good)


  • Though you can technically generate unlimited art, you are awarded 15 credits daily, but it starts to go slow once you exhaust credits.
  • It’s quite frustrating, if you want to generate what it considers unsafe art- it randomly flags prompts (Filters are probably too tight).


Prompt: “gorgeous abandoned medieval mansion in a fairytale forest”


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Stable Diffusion

SD is definitely one of the pioneer free AI art generators – it actually has been considered the best completely free ai art generator among its peers!

Strongest points

  • Gives you more control and freedom to express yourself as it allows you to upscale your art to exactly what you have imagined.
  • Makes art with more precision(very realistic looking, minimal loss of detail).
  • It lets you train Loras etc, based on your own characters, painting style, and more.
  • No limits in credit(others like Bing mage creator have a daily credit limit after which it slows down)


  • Downloading, and preparing your PC environment for installation and ultimately its installation is not child’s play(for newbies).
  • Needs a powerful GPU (a beefy PC needed to be able to run it locally)


I took this screenshot from a guy Lykon, on X – see the Prompt and the results..Impressive, isn’t it?

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A good way to run Stable Diffusion on the Cloud is use Rundiffusion but using Fooocus as your webui- it’s an easier way to get dip your toes into Stable Diffusion and their many options including Loras and ControlNet.

Dall-E 3

OpenAI’s owned DALLE3 is, in general, great if you’re looking at generating more complex art, images involving a couple of subjects, and even objects interacting unusually.

By the way, DALL-E3 is the engine behind Microsoft Bing’s image creator.

Strongest points

  • Extremely quick to output whatever you prompt.
  • Produces incredible results-compared to competitors such as Stable Diffusion- I have to say it shines most on scene composition and printing coherent text. Also smoother skin texture!
  • Way easier to get images with everything you need in them at the first attempt than with Stable Diffusion.


  • Heavy censorship- there seems to be a huge list of undisclosed banned words!
  • Hands and fingers problems- still struggles to get them right the first time.



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best completely free ai art generator

Credit:  OpenAI Community Forum


DeepDream Generator

You can use Google’s powerful DeepDream AI engine to generate super cute ai art.

See what I got when I searched for images using this very plain prompt an angry cat running across a hall way. Her mouth open ready to bite an imagined offender

best free ai art generator from text

Strongest points

  • Pretty easy to prompt
  • Creates very unique, surreal images- more customization options through the settings.
  • More image patterns and shapes- means more creativity.
  • Allows you to upload own images(as a prompt)


  • Filters content massively- it won’t generate NSFW images.


Adobe’s Firefly AI art generator

best ai art generator software

Adobe has released Firefly AI art generator, because it appears many of their clients are turning to AI for art generation.

One thing is suspect is that this app may not be free forever- I know Adobe!- so enjoy while the fun lasts.

Strongest points

  • Integrates seamlessly with Illustrator and Photoshop(Remember generative fill on Photoshop is awesome) for further customization.
  • Decent quality art overall- best for vector graphics, by a country mile.
  • Adobe says you can use whatever you generate commercially, though you must be aware of the full conditions for commercial use.


  • It won’t run local-at least, for now- although Adobe says they are improving it to make it possible for you to train it on your own art.
  • It is nearly as censored as the other big ones.


Muah AI image generator unblocked – most uncensored AI image generator

best free art ai

The next very promising ai image generator when it comes to generating photos by just simply prompting the AI engine to do it (through roleplaying) is Muah AI.

It’s actually one of the most known ai image generating tools for folks who are looking at taking their imaginativeness to the next level..and it won’t disappoint (no prohibited words, no conditions on commercial rights, minimal filters on any category of images).

The best part?

All it takes is proper prompting to have it make for you whatever you dreamt of!

It’s that simple..

They have even integrated an unrestricted voice chat too, for more fun!

Keep in mind that we will publish a guide about what prompts gives you what when it comes to these technologies and you may want to check it out..just share your email with us here and we will mail it directly to you as soon as it comes out.

Strongest points

  • Photorealistic result
  • Fast generation
  • Zero filtering.


  • You may need upgrade to the paid version to achieve more.


What is the best free ai art generator? More options worth checking out

Keep in  mind that many of these alternatives used Stable Diffusion with different GUIs so you may not get much difference in the results.

The ones I have in mind are:


What is the best ai art generator (What is the best free ai art generator) – Final words

Of course, AI art generators are never a shortcut to honing artistic mastery- they are just to make your work easier and it’s upon you to work on your artistic prowess.

So work on that and then use them to unlock your artistic talent fully.

Good luck.



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