Jobs that AI Can’t Replace

This article contains a list of jobs that AI can’t replace from our own research and opinion

As AI (artificial intelligence) advances, I’m sure many of you are wondering if it will eventually replace the majority of job roles.

Well, while AI has the potential to automate many tasks, there are certain types of jobs that are less likely to be completely replaced by AI due to their unique human characteristics.

In this regard, when deciding on a career path, it is important to consider how the field will evolve with AI.

Now this brings us to the topic of jobs that AI can’t replace.

So, you may want to continue reading this to find out whether or not AI will have an impact on your profession as it explodes in the next few years.

Let’s get started…

So, what jobs are safe from AI?

Below are the occupations that AI cannot and will likely never completely replace:

most ai safe jobs

Now Read on to understand why these are some of the most AI proof jobs ….

Jobs that AI Can’t Replace

1. Select Healthcare professionals

jobs ai will not replace

Doctors, nurses, surgeons, therapists, counselors, clinicians, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals are unlikely to be replaced by AI 100% because the majority of the services they provide need human touch(‘person skills’).

In other words, skills such as effective communication with patients, compassion and empathy for patients, and emotional intelligence are essential for developing relationships with them.

Furthermore, healthcare often involves data collection and analysis, patient progress monitoring, and administrative tasks, which necessitates critical thinking abilities that machines might not be able to match for many years.

Nonetheless, AI can help with diagnosis and treatment recommendations- And perhaps Doctors not using AI might be threatened in future but we cannot see the ‘care’ part of our healthcare system going anywhere (Show me one person who trusts a robot to deliver a baby!).


2. Therapy and counseling

jobs ai wont replace

On a healthcare related note, we are not expecting therapists and counsellors to be rendered obsolete by AI anytime soon.


I think you realize that these roles rely very much on social or humanistic interactions…

In a nutshell, when you need therapy, you’re probably more comfortable speaking out your issues to a fellow human (you’d feel sad telling an emotionless bot what you’re feeling about a divorce)


3. Education

jobs safe from AI

Education -and childcare- is another sector in which the human touch is still pretty much irreplaceable.

To put that into perspective, consider pros working with kids having behavioral issues.

Do you see that child being trained successfully by AI and Computers?

Well, we think not… They largely need human interaction.

Otherwise, how will they learn how to regulate emotionally?

Needless to say, kids need to be taught a lot of skills including social skills ..

And the best social skills teacher is a human like you or me (Machines are just that. Machines, not social beings)

So yeah, we know that online learning platforms have become insanely popular and there are amazing AI-powered educational tools such as ChatGPT, Ivy Chatbot, ClassPoint AI, and more.

But the point is, the role of our teachers – just like when it comes to doctors/counselors/therapists/socialworkers-remains indispensable thanks to the large social component they call for.



4. Skilled trades jobs

ai safe jobs

You surely know this: Professionals such as plumbers, electricians, mechanics, carpenters, welders, construction laborers, and artisans require hands-on skills as well as critical thinking abilities in their workforce, which is quite difficult for AI to master.

And, of course, trades people must have great problem-solving abilities, capability to innovate when they’re troubleshooting things, and a good understanding of everything they work with- and as you might be aware, many AI systems are no good in those lines.

Or can AI make furniture, for example?

You can also add myriad other physical laborers including dog walkers and truck drivers to the list.


5. Certain Levels of Law and legal professionals

jobs safe from automation

While AI can certainly help with legal processes, it is unlikely that machines will replace high caliber legal professionals like expert lawyers in the near future.

To put it another way, lawyers, judges and legal advisors, for example, will continue to be in high demand as they use human insight to identify nuances in court cases and build compelling arguments.

Having said that, low level associates might not be at work for long.

And I mean those whose job is carrying out mostly tedious legal research(think first year lawyers).

That’s because there are countless AI legal tools that can do that quickly(sometimes  in seconds)


6. Technical Sales and marketing jobs

jobs most safe from ai

Do you think that AI can pith products as we humans do?

Well, your guess is as good as mine.

But to cut the chase, we believe it is going to take a long time before AI can develop the ability to perform technical Sales and marketing roles as effectively as salespeople do.

And it is for the simple reason that to execute a sale, you need awesome interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, negotiation expertise, and so much more.

Tell me: Isn’t that’s beyond the scope of AI?

It surely is, even if it’s for now….

But, but…

If you’re speaking about administrative sales roles such as customer care (call centers, etc.), then we are afraid your job is in its sunset, thanks to the proliferation of outstanding AI sales innovations such as chatbots.


More jobs that AI can’t replace

7.  Live Performance Artists

jobs safe from ai replacement

The next set of occupations that are not vanishing are performance arts.

I mean live performances.

We are saying so because there’s something that makes your heart bounce when watching a fellow human deliver an impressive life performance.

To be frank, it’s never the same as watching your CD player spin….the former is way more fulfilling!

Simply put, dancers, and other live performance artists (in music, theatre, opera, magic, mime, spoken word, illusion, puppetry, stand-up comedy, circus arts, and professional wrestling) are here to stay.

Besides, sports is somewhat futureproof since people will continue wanting to see real people compete in sports.

All the same, you must be apprehensive about your job if you’re in any art that involves creating a medium, like painting, music, or film.

Yep, this is basically dead since AI is already capable of generating that very cheaply, leaving conventional artists who have been living off their art lamenting.


8. Engineering

jobs safe from ai 2024

Most engineers are, in general, safe now that your work as an engineer needs excellent problem solving capability (which you build over time), above average creativity, and, obviously, a fair share of hands on work.

So we are seeing engineering being one of the very last professions upstaged by AI.

Caveat: Not all disciplines of engineering will be safe though, in our opinion.

For example: PCB design engineers (Electrical Engineering) is already being taken over by AI(They’re being automated).

You also have a reason to worry if you’re into lower end software engineering(Think those software engineers who craft websites in a day/build WordPress plug-ins ..we checked around and learned that LLMs are doing these tasks very well).


9. Hairdressing and beauty therapy

jobs safest from automation

AI is quite intelligent, but it’s difficult to imagine it offering hairdressing services like plaiting, weaving, haircutting, or even makeup application in the next decade.

Reason being, AI cannot match the unique skillset and emotional connections that human practitioners provide to you, as a client.

So it is true that, hairdressers and makeup artists will likely continue to be in demand for some time.


10.  Emergency services

safe jobs after ai

Another safe bet is Emergency responders..

We are speaking about cops, firefighters, paramedics, and their ilk.

But why?

Now, these workers frequently encounter emotionally charged situations where they must do complex decision-making.

And more often than not, life-saving situations need very quick thinking and immediate action.

Do not forget that they must also communicate effectively with the people they’re helping(in distress) and more importantly, provide reassurances that all will be well.

Question: Do you seriously think that AI is going to start doing that before long?

On our side, we think NO!



11. Large Scale Human resource management and leadership roles(CEOs)

AI Proof jobs

I don’t know if you understand that effective leadership is really a complicated task?

You see, it not only requires strategic thinking and vision, but also a very good understanding of human dynamics.

Furthermore, tasks like employee relations, conflict resolution, and understanding the unique needs of individuals in the workplace heavily rely on your human intuition and experience.

Overall, we are convinced that AI may struggle to fully get these things right , unless it undergoes a dramatic transformation.


12. Politics

ai proof tech jobs

Would you, in your senses, actually vote for a robot to represent you in the senate?

Or as the president?

Probably not!

So, go out there and start planning for a career in politics as politicians are not going anywhere.

That’s it!


Final thoughts on jobs that AI can’t replace

As we conclude, there are still many other jobs that are unlikely to be replaced by AI, such as agricultural equipment operators, security professionals (soldiers and cops), and IT Help Desk(They will be helping you fix your AI when it isn’t functioning correctly), just to name a few.

So, while AI can automate some tasks in the aforementioned professions, it cannot replace humans’ creativity, problem-solving abilities, human interactions, and emotional intelligence.

Therefore, the safest jobs are those needing genuine ‘person skills’ (direct human-to-human interaction).

In contrast, if the profession you have in mind needs you to interact through a computer, then I’m afraid AI may turn your world upside down.

To be clear, anything that can easily be done with only the brain is eventually likely to get fully automatized so plan well.



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