What jobs has ai already replaced?

So, what jobs has ai already replaced?

Well, AI is threatening to run away with many of our jobs especially as it becomes better(In the future). Indeed, some of us have already been replaced by ai- quite saddening, if you ask me- and people are abruptly finding themselves being forced to look for new careers.

So, what jobs has ai already replaced? Below are some of the jobs already replaced by ai ….you don’t want to think of making money from jobs ai has replaced because as far as these jobs are concerned, the train has left the station.


What jobs has ai already replaced?

Data entry jobs

jobs already taken by ai

Digitization(Data entry) is being taken over by AI incredibly fast as AI can very well read all your scanned documents and then digitize them.

Of course, some parts will be illegible but organizations are now only needing a few employees to fix those and not a big team of expensive data entry personnel.


Call center jobs

Many call center workers have seen work go after ai went full scale.

The truth is, call center ai applications such as VoiceBase (and most of the well known Customer service chatbots) help businesses handle customer queries including personalized consultations with far much greater efficiency.


Writing jobs (and copywriters), Journalists too, Ghostwriting

Low skilled freelance writers are no longer in much demand…we have ai doing the meat of the work and expert writers giving it the best human touch.

Unsurprisingly, Upwork and other freelance jobs platforms where writers used to get gigs have fewer jibs listed there (you can try to search there yourself for writing jobs including CV writing gigs)

I know that opinion writers and perhaps investigative journalists are unaffected but the others are quickly getting thrown out.


Some graphic design jobs

ChatGPT can do logos in combination with a few of the plugins there can do very good logos and quite a number of other graphics (You can even get amazing Pinterest Pins Canva AI features)

Illustrators are seemingly in more trouble, because with proper prompting, AI tools such as Mid Journey are making super pretty images



jobs killed by ai

It is no longer business as usual for traditional artists ……Indeed, with AI , there has emerged a new class of in demand artists “AI artists”.

Just search for “best ai artists on instagram” and see the how ai artists have suddenly appeared from nowhere and pulled the carpet from under the feet of conventional artists(they are doing that aggressively, and regular artists are not amused).

So don’t spend years studying art… ai image generation technology is running away with the cake!

Even stock photographers have not been safe too (there’s more competition)…due to ai image generation technology.


Translation jobs

You might have heard about Google translate- it has been with us for quite a long time now.

But the thing is, there are many, many new ai powered translation tools including WordVice AI that are doing translations from different languages to others beautifully.

That’s why there has been a remarkable reduction in the volume of translation jobs by companies like  Appen.

Ok, AI is still not able to translate technical documents accurately but it will get there so more jobs will eventually go.


Voice acting

Everything related to using your voice(Think working as voice over artist and similar jobs) is on a downward trend, as regards opportunities too.

Again you can see that if you check from websites where you can hire voice actors such as Fiverr…

That’s because of ai voice generators tools such as Voice AI and Speechify


Transcription jobs

Thanks to ai transcription services online (some such as OpenAI’s whisper ai transcription service are free), transcribers are experiencing a downturn when it comes to job openings, with a significant number getting laid off by their employers(a few medical transcriptionists haven’t been spared).

Even worse, these speech recognition tools will only get better so the situation is a bit hopeless even for transcribers who still have work(like court transcript takers).



Also feeling the pressure are paralegals..

Let us be honest: Even low-level associates(first-year lawyers) will soon be feeling the heat…


Because the mundane legal research they mostly do can be done by AI legal tools in seconds!


Taxi dispatchers

Imagine calling a taxi only to discover that the dispatcher is a machine?

It’s happening out there so yeah, that is probably pointing to what is going to be happening in taxi companies(and other small service providers) going forward.


What jobs has ai already replaced? Continued…

Some coding jobs

jobs killed by ai worldwide

Some developers are also going out of the window..

Specifically, entry level programmers are already experiencing reduced workload since those repetitive coding tasks they do(For example, generating boilerplate code) are slowly being completed by AI.

In other words, software engineers are these days automating tests they would conduct themselves in the past, automating lower-level coding, and using artificial intelligence to assist.

Subsequently, as each day passes(and with more automation) their overall manpower requirements is decreasing.

It’s worth mentioning that that day when programmers won’t be needed completely is likely to far but it is clear that the demand for coders will diminish significantly over time.



AI(ChatGPT) is doing very well when it comes to proofreading materials such as marketing brochures so some proofreaders are not getting gigs anymore.

Remember AI does that free and instantly!


Restaurant workers

Also going downhill because AI has become better and cheaper than humans is restaurant work.

Just check out the increasingly popular fully automated McDonalds in Texas.(Workers are still making food but service is done by robots!)


Super market cashiers

Walmart is adopting self-check out only gradually.

So cashiers are having to move on to alternative endeavors!


Finance jobs

The finance industry has also been affected with positions such as payroll officers losing out to AI-driven payroll management

I had told you that is already happening to clerical work including in payables(entering invoices, etc.).

On a related note, a share of inventory management staff has already been ‘fired’ by AI in places like Amazon(same is true in some large warehouses).

It has also been predicted that book-keeping might be one of the jobs replaced by ai in the future.


Selected digital marketing roles

AI tools can do tasks such as content generation and scheduling so digital marketing teams are getting reduced bit by bit.


jobs erased by ai

There are AI tools that can come up with music based on what you input and your preferences so jobs for roles like songwriters are little by little decreasing.


Some manufacturing roles

AI Robots are replacing humans in a big way in manufacturing- from robots collecting totes and delivering them to designated material storage areas, to packing products, robots are kicking us out.

In a nutshell, production is rapidly getting fully automated already and the job that the remaining workers are doing is basically babysitting idle machines!…



Go to movie theaters- the few relevant anyway like university theaters- and now movies programs run movies remotely(AI and other cutting edge technology at play here).



Data annotator

While data annotation jobs(particularly for AI training) have not dried up totally, AI might soon make these jobs a thing of the past.


Virtual Assistant roles such as Social Media Marketing

For VA doing jobs like preparing presentations, some of the small businesspeople that used to give work are now just typing in prompts and everything is made for them nicely.

Who is to blame?

Well, ai presentation making apps such as Tome ai presentation maker.


IT support

job loss due to ai statistics

In quite a few companies, IT support people have been replaced by AI chatbots that offer technical assistance.

I’m sure you might have read about it elsewhere..it’s scary that tech support jobs continue to evaporate quickly.


Data analysts

If you’re a data analyst in financial Services, you may have noted that AI algorithms are automating trading and assisting with financial analysis.

Just know that this is what is substantially cutting down the total number of personnel needed in a team even if it’s piece meal!


What jobs has ai already replaced?  – Recap

In summary, People who have been making their living through freelancing portals (Think Fiverr.com, freelancer.com, Upwork.com etc.) have reported a massive drop in client numbers since AI came to the limelight.

So jobs like translation roles, customer service agents, transcription, voice artists, transcribers, and the like are getting obliterated with each passing day.

Same can be said of white-collar jobs such as stock control and cashier..we have looked at some of the most affected above to help you make an informed decision.


jobs replaced by ai in the future


Jobs that AI Can’t Replace

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